For the past two weeks, I've been a single working mom. My husband flew back to the States, and I have been left in charge of the house, the dog, the chores, the errands, the working, and then the children when I get home. It's A LOT to handle and so overwhelming at times. I now have a new found appreciation for single working moms who do all of this every day. I knew I needed to find some treasured moments of time to work on ME. Some time to get away to build myself up.
Every day since my husband has been gone, I have been listening to lovely Mr. Jim Rohn in my car on the way to and home from school. I get 15-20 minutes of nothing but positive going in my head. I start my day on a high, and then give myself that winding down time at the end of the work day to find another high before joining the kids. The one quote that has stuck out over the last 14 days has been..."The same wind blows on us all." As Jim says, "It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go." I needed this quote this week, and I needed to hear it over and over and over and over again. I've had a wind blowing on me for two weeks that I didn't like, but I had to choose, each day, how to handle it and how to guide my boat of emotions.
I forgot how good it feels to surround myself with personal development on a daily basis. To listen to positive words, encouraging words, and BELIEVE them. My husband and I used to listen to Anthony Robbins, Zig Ziglar and Jim Rohn daily. We'd read books nightly. We soaked up anything and everything to help us become better, more positive, more goal oriented. Over time, kids got in the way, work got in the way, TV got in the name it, there was an excuse as to why we fell off the wagon. We were not taking advantage of setting our sails in the right direction, and we lost sight of so much. We've slowly been getting back on track lately, and now, over the past two weeks, I've really been taking advantage of some time during the day where I can focus on it.
It doesn't matter how or where you get your personal development. Maybe you read the Bible, or just the proverbs. Maybe you listen to other people I haven't mentioned. Maybe it's just going to the park and reflecting. Maybe you journal your thoughts, ideas and dreams. Maybe you have a creative outlet such as dance, music or art. Whatever it is, I hope you have something that builds you up inside. Something that keeps you on the path to achieving your dreams.
How do you work on you?
If you'd like to know of some books to get you started, here are a few compiled from personal experience reading, and some from friends' recommendations that are on my list to read:
* How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie
* The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
* What Color Is Your Parachute by Richard Nelson Bolles
* Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
* Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
* Watermelon Credo by Wally Amos
* Life On Purpose by Dr. Brad Swift
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